Chief Roger Augustine


Chief Roger Augustine is Mi’kmaq from the Province of New Brunswick, and is currently the Regional Chief for NB/PEI, Assembly of First Nations (AFN).

In 1981, Chief Augustine was one of several dozen representatives (from across Canada) that signed the historic 1981 Declaration of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.

Chief Augustine co–founded the Atlantic Policy Congress (APC), which became the political voice for First Nations Chiefs in Atlantic Canada. He also co–founded the North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council, and was the Chairman for the Center of Indigenous Environmental Resources, and a Commissioner for the Indian Land Claims.

Chief Augustine considers one of his greatest career accomplishments to be in the field of addictions treatment. After receiving specialized credentials from St. Francis Xavier University in Drug and Alcohol Education, Chief Augustine made enormous strides in dealing with addictions in his community by introducing a curriculum for Eel Ground Federal School. During his tenure as the Chairman of the National Drug and Alcohol Advisory Board, Chief Augustine received several awards in his field.

On July 5, 2017, Mr. Stéphane Ouellette, President and CEO, Merchant Navy Commemorative Theme Project (MNCTP) appointed Chief Augustine as an Honorary Governor, Board of Honorary Governors, MNCTP.

Chief Roger Augustine